How to create SEO friendly blogger post title

Before this method, your post will look like the following image in the google search-

After this method, your post will look like this- 

Maybe, you have already understood what we want to do. For a post, the post title is the first priority. But, in blogger, blog title appears before post title which is bad for SEO. So, you have to bring the post title before the blog title. This has the same or, more value than adding Meta Tag, Search description to blogger post.

How to create SEO friendly blogger post title

1. Sign in to blogger. Select the blog you want to edit.

Then go to "Theme" and backup your theme to prevent any unwanted damage.

Next click on "Edit HTML".

2. Click once inside coded box and press CTRL+F to bring search box. Type the following code in the search box and search for it-

Replace the above code with the below code-

Just like this-

3. Then click on '"Preview theme". If it takes load successfully, click on '"Save theme".

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